
Friday, April 14, 2023

Wildflowers at Bartholomew's Cobble 4/12/2023

Here are the flowers I saw with my OLLI (adult learning) class at Bartholomew's Cobble, a Trustees of Reservations property in Sheffield, MA, this week. As always this time of year, the wildflowers are varied and plentiful. As the website says, "Boasting an enormous variety of woodland flowers and fern species, the Cobble’s amazingly diverse flora earned it a National Natural Landmark designation in 1971." I will keep going back weekly for the next month, as the flower show is ever-changing.

It was such a special treat to have Janice Tassinari be our guide.



Skunk Cabbage

The bud of a Mayapple just poking out of the ground.

Blue Cohosh

Trout Lily, or as my mother called it, Dog-toothed Violet.

Dutchman's Breeches in bud


Dutchman's Breeches