
Saturday, May 23, 2020

Bear Mtn., Salisbury, CT

Spring is finally upon us and yesterday the temperature rose above 80 degrees. Last week, when I took this hike from the Northwest Cabin in Mt. Washington, MA/Salisbury, CT, to the AT, up Bear Mountain, then continuing south on the AT to Bear Mountain Road and back to East Road/Mt. Washington Rd., the temperature was around 70. So perfect for hiking!

This was a wonderful hike. It gave me a good workout climbing up to Bear Mountain; the view from Bear Mountain is outstanding; the view as I was going down the south side was glorious; beautiful spring flowers everywhere; and, I saw a great blue heron walking up the brook as I walked in near the Northwest Cabin! It's a circular hike and about 3.5 miles so easy to do on a beautiful afternoon. It was nice to have a break from our current coronavirus situation.

I watched this great blue heron walk slowly up the river for about 10 minutes.
Such deliberation in every step!

A few Spring Beauties were in flower still.

Always a beautiful view from the rock structure on Bear Mountain.
Not sure who built it but I thank them for their handiwork!

Twin Lakes, Salisbury, CT, in the distance.

Shadbush or Serviceberry was blooming hear and there.

The beauty of the southern descent was breath taking!

Painted Trillium, always a treat to see.