
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Thomas & Palmer, Great Barrington

I explored a new BNRC property yesterday, Thomas & Palmer, in Great Barrington. It's not open to the public yet, but hopefully will be by fall. A new parking lot is scheduled to be constructed as is a bridge over the Thomas & Palmer Brook. The brook is inhabited by beavers who have several dams along this section.

Our group, the Berkshire Hikers, got a tour by BNRC Land and Trails Coordinator, Mike Leavitt. We hiked several old roads and logging roads, some of which will become part of the new trail system. We visited a rock feature that Mike has been excitedly talking about for awhile now. He is calling it the Whale Rock.

On top of the ridge is a long section of smoothed rock that resembles the spine of a whale as it travels across the ocean with most of its body below waterline. It's large and impressive. I'm sure that it will be an attraction on the new trails.

Yup, it's a whale of a rock!

Photo by Ellen Whitaker