
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Appalachian Trail, Fernside Rd. to Benedict Pond, Great Barrington

Last weekend I joined an event with a hike lead by Christine Ward, president of the Great Barrington Land Conservancy, and Silvia Cassano of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. It was one of two hikes offered, and the celebration also included a community picnic at Benedict Pond in the Beartown State Forest. It's amazing how much work, volunteer and paid, it takes to conserve, preserve and steward our wonderful Berkshires, and I am very grateful for it.

The hike was on the Appalachian Trail from Fernside Rd. in Tyringham back to Benedict Pond. It was just under 7 miles and included a wooded hillside full of ferns, spruce & pine forests, beaver swamps, view from the Ledges, and a walk around part of Benedict Pond. The weather cooperated, not too hot, making it a great hike. We met some thru-hikers who walked all the way from Georgia. Yikes!!

Me on the left, with Christine Ward, president of the Great Barrington Land Conservancy.
I sent this photo to my son in Portland, Oregon, because, many years ago,
Christine was his much-loved kindergarten teacher!
We came upon an interesting spot next to the trail where a group
of 5 or more trees had been blown down every which-way.
Was this where a mini-tornado touched down for a brief instant?
The trees were a tangled mess, but had been cleared from the trail.
Always a great view from the Ledges near Benedict Pond.

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