
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Hollow Fields Preserve, Richmond

I went to Hollow Fields Preserve in Richmond last week to see the Bobolinks. There were dozens of pairs nesting in the fields of tall grass. I wasn't able to get a good photo but have provided a link. Their flight was distinctive. They flapped their wings very fast as they flew, sometimes just round and round over the field. Then they would glide down to perch on a tall stalk which sometimes held their weight and sometimes bent over. It was fun to observe their behavior.

This is a Berkshire Natural Resources Property that opened last year. The two-mile-loop trail provides wonderful views of fields, mountains and sky. What a beautiful spot!

Looking toward Yokun Ridge with Lenox Mountain
and to the left, Bousquet Mountain.
View of the picturesque farm next door where horses grazed.
The next day I went back in the early evening. Spectacular!
At the edge of the fields were some large bushes
of this invasive rose.
The wildflowers in the fields included this bright
Orange Hawkweed or Devil's Paintbrush 

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