
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Ephemerals at Bartholomew's Cobble, Sheffield

Tuesday, we walked in Bartholomew's Cobble in Sheffield. Spring is a wonderful time to visit because of the plentiful spring flowers. They are often called ephemerals because they last such a short time, but we were treated to a great display this week.

Dutchman's Breeches
White Trillium
Round-Lobed Hepatica—can be white, pink, lavender, or blue and we saw them all!
Skunk Cabbage
Purple (Red) Trillium or Wakerobin
Last year, 10 acres of flood plain fields next to the Housatonic were planted with 1,800 trees. The project is restoring species native to a flood plain forest, a habitat almost lost because the land was so valuable for farming.

A variety of species was planted and will need to be watered for two years.
We had lunch at Hurlburt Hill, one of my favorite spots in Berkshire County.

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