
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Jug End Road, Sheffield

Because I had a car accident two weeks ago and broke a few ribs and cracked my sternum, I am looking for easier walks. Luckily, the Berkshires have many dirt roads and little-used roads that are wonderful for easy walking. I have been going with a friend; we gab the whole way and and don't even have to think about our footing like you would on a trail.

Actually, the first two weeks in December I stay off the trails anyway, because there are so many deer hunters in the woods for shotgun season. We did hear distant shots but I felt safe on the road.

This week we walked three miles on Jug End Road in Sheffield from the Appalachian Trail crossing to Route 41 and back. The sunshine, the views, the fresh air are healing! I expect to be back on the trail soon.

Inquisitive and friendly animals along the roadside.

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