
Monday, December 16, 2013

Jug End Reservation, Egremont

My first snowshoe this year!

Sunday morning the snow was about 8-12 inches deep with only a very light crust. The snow plower was just finishing clearing the parking area at Jug End when I arrived so I was first on the trail that morning. Although the sky was grey, the temperature was in the mid-30s making it very comfortable and enjoyable.

The trail was covered with pristine new snow.
I wondered what animal tracks I would see.
First, I saw lots of deer tracks.
This was awesome! It looks to me like a coyote was chasing a squirrel.
With such long strides, they must have been moving very fast.

And I saw where the squirrel tracks ended. The coyote had a snack.
And I, too, left tracks in the woods.

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