
Monday, October 21, 2013

West Stockbridge Mountain on South Yokun Ridge

Last Tuesday we walked from Olivia's Overlook on Lenox Road south on the Ridge Trail all the way to the end of the ridge where there's a flat rock outcropping with a great view south, including Monument Mountain, Mount Everett, and Butternut and Catamount ski areas. Part of the ridge is owned by the Berkshire Natural Resources Council and part by the Town of Stockbridge Water Supply. It's a great hike, about 5.5 miles total, out and back. The BNRC has published a detailed map of the entire ridge from Rte 90 north to Bousquet and Dan Fox Drive.

Although the foliage was past peak, it still is spectacular in places. The leaves are thinning out so views normally obscured are now visible through bare branches. The remaining oak and beech leaves are deeply colored. We are still awaiting a hard frost promised for the end of this week.

The first view on the Ridge Trail, west to the hills beyond Swamp Road, Richmond.
At the flag pole is a view of the town of West Stockbridge.
The bright leaves of sassafras seedlings.
Even though the sky was overcast, the woods were light and open.
The view is amazing at the southern end of the ridge.
Monument Mountain is on the left and in the distance on the right is Mount Everett.
We enjoyed lunch with the view! (photo: Marina Wilber)

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