
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Monument Mountain, Great Barrington

Any day is a great day for summiting Monument Mountain, a very popular climb in southern Berkshire County. Most summer days, the large parking lot on Rte 7 has lots of cars and in the fall you're lucky to find a space. The climb is short and the views are fantastic! 

Yesterday the rocks and roots were still a little wet and slippery from the night's rain, but by the time we got to the top, the rocks had dried but the atmosphere was still a little hazy. There were yellow and orange maple leaves scattered along the trail, a reminder that in a month the trees will be in their glory of reds, yellows and oranges. The change of the seasons is always bittersweet for me.

Looking down to the Devil's Pulpit on the south side of the mountain from the Squaw Peak Trail.
Looking north across Agawam Lake with Mount Greylock barely visible in the background.
The Mountain Ash tree at the top of the mountain is spectacular this time of year.
There was one in the front lawn of my old house. It's beautiful as an ornamental.

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